Voices for FREEDOM!

New Zealand is a small country of c.5 million. We have all seen the unimaginable conditions our brothers and sisters are experiencing right now, a confirmed modern day 2-tier system. On November 15th, many will be unable to work in their professions due to vaccine mandates. It is heart-breaking but extremely encouraging to see many speaking out and getting active. 

Voices For Freedom is one such initiative we highlight to our members. They currently hold webinars with many well-known doctors, scientists, and lawyers, which can be found on their website, and they arrange national events such as “picnic in the park”.

There are a few other freedom groups worthy of mention too: Groundswell (farmers), who are standing up against unworkable regulations, educating, supporting, and talking common sense with rural communities throughout New Zealand.

Also see The Freedom and Right Coalition that seeks to get rid of the current NZ Government.  One particular lawyer, Sue Grey, has been doing her best to hold the govt to account but as we know, the govt changes legislation to suit their narrative.